Training and in-service training of employees due to consistent changes, starts to be a constant, never-ending process. It consists of few stages depending on the model of training that guarantee rationality of organizational behaviour. A systematic model, the most common in the professional literature, constitutes the sequence of following stages: recognition of training needs, preparing the schedule and plan of training, conducting training and evaluating training efficiency. Theory and practice at every above-mentioned stage offer, at present, a wide range of tools that can be used. However, enterprises have limited financial, equipment and personal means, that is why they have to make alternative choices concerning e.g. the level of using particular instruments. In this context, it is justified to make an attempt to determine which tools are used most frequently and which of them are useless at particular stages of training. Empirical researches in this scope were conducted in enterprises that are traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the period of 1998 and 2003.