The authoress has attempted to show the paths of women in scientific careers. These are multi-dimensional, interpenetrating structures, which show what is common in women's experiences. These paths are generally based on how women describe the development of the course of their professional life, in other words - of their participation in the academic sphere. As a result of the analysis of the collected research material, the authoress has identified the following paths of women's scientific careers: -Career by chance or happy coincidence, - Career as a continuation of the path of an intellectual, - Career as a substitute or compensation, - Career as a condition of realizing one's passion, - Scientific career built around didactic work, - Scientific career as a springboard or escape from everyday life. Women's experiences within the range of different paths can complement and penetrate each other, as well as reveal new, previously undiscovered relationships and dependencies. But most of all, they lead to further reflection on the determinants of women's scientific careers.