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2009 | 4 | 17-28

Article title

CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE BIG SCALE ACCIDENTS IN THE WORLD NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS. LESSONS FOR UKRAINE.(Kritichnii oglyad masshtabnikh avariyi v natsionalnikh energetichnikh sistemakh svitu. Uroki dlya Ukataini)

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In the review prepared on the materials of the International Council of Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) session the problems of power energy field in different world countries are analyzed. Reviewing the big scale accidents of the latest years in national power systems the author points out the causes of these accidents, presents chronology of the accident works and gives recommendations of the specialists concerning preventive means. The main attention is focused on the experience that could be useful for national power specialists. It's indicated that the possible versions of systemic electrical power accidents are not investigated in Ukraine and this problem requires thorough study.


  • Vitaliy V. Sklyarov, Association Cigre Ukraine Tankova str. 8, 04112, Kyiv-112, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

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