The aurhor studies the relationship between image and text. This relationship is becoming rather peculiar, since in the present, the image rarely exists without the text and it is even harder to find the text without the image. Let alone the fact, that script as the base of the text, has origin in the image, as well as, that we are still more frequently coming across 'words in image', as stated by Michel Butor. Despite this, semiotic problem of the relationship between text and image, it has never been adequately handled, at least not in its whole complexity. All the previous contributions to this theme led mostly only to the emergence of the ad hoc conceptions, whose generalisations and accuracy have scarcely been discussed, or they stimulated the origin of general, but too vague terms, like the terms anchorage and relay, introduced by Roland Barthes. The aim of the presented paper is to draw the system of the interaction between text and image, which would account for the condition of generalisation. The author studies the relationship between text and image from the perspective of its multicoded character and utterance's homogeneity, he touches upon the system of syntactic relations, connectors and semantic relations. The taxonomy introduced in this paper, obviously does not exhaust all the cases of the relationship between text and image. The question of the relationship between the utterance and the act of uttering is mentioned only partly, the author left aside the question of the formal intersection of image and text, which provides the text with pictorial value. The presented contribution is definitely a sufficient proof that this essential problem can be dealt with in the scope of general semiotics, whose main credit is, that it does not overestimate the function of language in the type of combined communication, which was and will be used by all the cultures.