The main purpose of this article is an attempt to revile the theoretical basis of the conception of new national curriculum of general education. The first part of paper presents the background of changes in education shown as the passage from the 'era of Prometheus' towards the 'era of Hermes'. One should consider theirs repercussions in schools and their role in changes of the national curriculum. The modern era bas been dominated by the image of Prometheus whereas Hermes is a god of information. Elaboration of the new project of national curriculum was initiated in the year 2004. The lack of theoretical prospect of work on the desired changes causes that the discussion on the project is chaotic and fragmentary. In the second part, three theories and three paradigms which could be useful in the work on changes of national curriculum are briefly presented: -technical (functional), -practical (transactional) and -emancipatory (critical). An analysis of 'Foundations of national curriculum' and the discussion led on the 'Forum' indicate that such changes are firmly set in technical rationality (functional paradigm)