The Slovak dramatist and prosaist Julius Barc-Ivan (1909-1953) was in the period of the Second World War working besides other pieces also on a drama 'Neznamy' (Unknown). In this drama with three acts seven male characters - representatives of the city headed by Mestanosta - are featuring. The character of unknown is never shown on the stage. The unknown is taking a concrete image mainly through attitudes of other characters taken towards him. The drama 'Unknown' was produced and performed by three theatre bodies. In 1944 the Slovak Chamber Theatre in Martin (directed by Jan Martak, stage settings by Emil Mankovicky), in October 1969 'Unknkown' was introduced by the Regional Theatre in Nitra (directed by Karol Spisak, stage settings by Frantisek Perger), and in Bratislava the drama was introduced in 1995 (directed by Pavol Haspra, stage settings by Vladimir Suchanek). The TV staging version had its first run in 1992 (directed by Martin Kakos).