The presented sketch is an attempt at delving into the present-day condition of the home, with the latter treated as a form of human existence. At the onset of the twenty first century its basic property is the dissolution or loss of the home. The horrific twentieth century, whose spiritual and physical destruction of the home was a significant element and homelessness - a prominent effect, brings forth the gravity of this phenomenon. The author endeavours to demonstrate the way in which the home creates existence and reinforces it, the manner in which it is submerged in a mythical aura, associating it with that which is primary, intensive, obvious and full of sense. The experiences of the last century revealed the fragility of this construction, depriving it of the obviousness of duration. Can such a mythical home be regained, and is there a path of returning to it? How is one to deal with such a loss without negating it and, at the same time, treating it as something ultimate and without a solution? The story about Zakopane is a project of evading the ultimate.