This paper describes the development of Hittitology at the University of Warsaw. In the 1920s, archaeologist Stefan P r z e w o r s k i popularized the nascent discipline in Poland. He also published (together with L. D e l a p o r t e) a Hittitological bibliography. Rudolf R a n o s z e k, who was a philologist with the prerequisite training to do research in the field of Assyriology and Hittitology, headed the Seminar (grounded in 1937, later converted to the Chair) of Ancient Near Eastern Philology until his retirement in 1964. Maciej P o p k o established Warsaw Hittitology on an international forum. Thanks to his scholarly achievements it has earned acclaim in the scholarly world and enjoys bright prospects. The Warsaw school of Hittitology is characterized by originality of views on many issues and a reliable philological workshop. The author of this article is P o p k o's successor.