'What will the new international order look like after the end of the 'unipolar moment' (coined by Ch. Krauthammer) i.e., the U.S. hegemony which followed the end of the Cold War? The U.S. seems to be losing its dominant position, at least in the economic sphere. What can China, as the most important 'emerging power', contribute to this new (economic) order? And what kind of reaction to China's new role should be expected from the EU? How can these two very different powers - the 'modern' and 'supranational' EU and the 'classical' China, faithful to the 'Westphalian ideas' of sovereignty, non-interference in domestic policy, territorial integrity, etc. - cooperate with each other? These are the crucial issues discussed in this multidisciplinary work, which mixes such disciplines as political science, international relations, political economy and even philosophy of history in an attempt to describe the contemporary clusters and new elements necessary to establish a new world order in the era of globalization.