The article presents the concept of welfare pluralism. It is both the contemporary analytical tool used in the explanations of the welfare state change, as well as a widely implemented policy to provide better social services. The first part of the text is a broad overview on the diverse theories of welfare state change and the growth of welfare pluralism (Johnson, Ascoli, Ranci, Drakeford, Rothstein, Steinom, et. al.). In the second part of the article the author presents an own analytical model of welfare pluralism - 'welfare daisy'. The third part of the text shows the role of three sectors (the state, the commercial sector and the nongovernmental sector) in social services provision in the diverse countries of Europe. The analysis shows that in many countries it is the third sector that prevails in social services supplement, however often financed by the state. On the one hand, it means the growing responsibility of civic organizations for social services delivery, on the other - the stronger dependence of the third sector to public finances.