In his article 'On Some Quotations of Magha's Verses', published in Sambodhi 8 (1979), Ludwik Sternbach devotes special attention to fourteen stanzas (cited in the annex to the paper) which are ascribed to 'Magha' in some 'subhasita-samgrahas' and other Sanskrit texts but are not found in the 'Sisupala-vadha'. Sternbach claims that nine of them (verses 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 of the annex) are authentic 'Magha' stanzas, missing from the extant text of his 'maha-kavya'. Moreover, he maintains that “the placing of 'new' 'Sis(upala-vadha) verses in the respective 'sarga-s' seems not to present any difficulties, for 'sarga-s' of (the) Sis(upala-vadha), similarly as 'sarga-s' of the 'Kiratarjuniya' are, generally, composed in distinct metres” (p. 140). In the present paper, thwe authoress discusses seven stanzas from the annex to Sternbach's article (numbers 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12) and the possibility of their inclusion into the respective cantos of 'Magha's' poem pointed out by the eminent scholar