In 1945, Factory Militias were set up at the instigation of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, their official task being to protect factories from sabotage and external attack. In fact, they were really meant to protect the nationalisation that was underway, and in February 1948, a time of conflict over Czechoslovakia’s political direction, they became the basis for establishing the People’s Militias. The People’s Militias were intended to serve by intimidating political opponents. They proved their worth and during the period the communist regime was getting established, they were significantly expanded in number. The People’s Militias were set up purely on the basis of a KSČ decision, and their establishment had no basis in law at the time. During this time, they essentially fulfilled the role of an assistant body and reserve force for the National Security Corps. A lack of clarity in tasks and competencies between the National Security Corps and the Communist Party resulted in a number of problems, leading to personnel and organisational instability. During the first half of the 1950s, the militias were separated from the security apparatus, and they were fully transferred to the management of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.