Georg Misch relies on the activist paradigm of Immanuel Kant in his hermeneutic theory of knowledge and hermeneutic logic. At the same time, however, he tries to expand this paradigm by adding to it some antirationalist and antireductive motifs of the philosophy of life. In his philosophy, the fundamental structure that precedes all forms of communication between individuals is an activist projection of the world by 'extracting' objects from the otherwise amorphous world by framing them in the forms in expressions (Ausdruck). This dual, projective-constitutive, activity is rooted in the prior and original relation of the subject, not yet identified, to the world. Examination of the structures underlying this relation, an examination that must never rely on rationalist assumptions – but limits itself to original elements of the vertical conception of speech, i.e. meaning and denotation–is the fundamental task of Misch's hermeneutic logic.