The study presents complexly processed documentary material obtained by the research done for the purposes of the 'Ethnographic Atlas of Slovakia' (EAS) as well as by the research of the traditional culture of the Slovaks living in Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria. Both types of the research were based on a questionnaire compiled for the needs of the EAS. The employed questions concerned the use of the V-address how directed from the wife to her husband, from the younger sibling to the older one, from the children to their parents, and also how the V-address was used by the godparents, parents-, brothers- and sisters-in-law. Up to now, both of them has been treated only partially and then published in the EAS and in a number of monographs on folk culture of Slovaks in Croatia and Ukraine, as well as in atlases on folk culture of Slovaks in Yugoslavia and Croatia. The topic of the T-V address used among relatives has also been dealt with in the Atlas of Traditional Culture of Slovak Minorities in Central and Southern Europe.