The present text discuses selected theses of Bruno Latour's book 'Reassembling the Social. An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory', intended as a systematic introduction to the Actor-Network Theory (ANT). ANT is an extremely philosophically innovative concept, rooted in a tradition, more than thirty years old now, of so-called social studies on science which can be defined as a current within non-classical sociology of knowledge. ANT is presented as an alternative social metatheory, or, a specific methodology. The authoress rejects a hyposthasis of (the) Society, which has been preventing social sciences from an adequate recognition of several mechanisms, particularly those characteristic to a global risk society. The essay highlights that ANT is not yet another version of a social constructivism. For the co-author of this position, it is important that it be empirical as well, and that social sciences appreciate the role of objects, things, referred to as 'our younger brothers'.