According to the thesis stated in the article, the labour market of the health sector is the analytically neglected area, which influences the weaknesses of the process of labour resources managing and, as a consequence, the lower efficiency of functioning in relation to the possible level. Moreover, this kind of weakness in the health sector management increases the danger of maintaining the serious unbalance between the labour supply and the labour demand. Such an unbalance is already present and is increasing; additionally, it has a global character. The lack of specialists in the medical professions is estimated globally at around 4,3 mln employed. Simultaneously, there is a huge increase of needs on the demand side. The main factor of increase of health needs - the increase of income - is nowadays intensified by the demographic and epidemiological changes, connected mainly with the population aging process. It is stressed in the article that in order to fight efficiently the shrinking of labour resources of medical professions, one should undertake immediate actions in the field of education, improvement of working conditions and wages of doctors and nurses, and introduce the institution of social dialogue into the current system of collective bargaining in Poland.