By the analysis of the particular political dialogue Rozmowa Plebana z Ziemianinem written by Łukasz Opaliński in the 17th century, this study aims to interpret the early modern concept of Polish identity within the framework of ancient tradition of a good commonwealth. Moreover, paying particular attention to the values of liberty, equality and legality, one is allowed to assume that the aforementioned Polish tradition resembles the attributes of European republicanism that were typical of distinctive Western European political thought of that time. Applying the methods of discourse analysis, it is possible to identify important and specific changes concerning Opaliński´s concept of a dialogue in comparison with an older Polish tradition of the same genre. Hence, one can claim that Opaliński´s fictional figures does not represent a typical clash between desirable and undesirable political ideas, but are supposed to reflect symbolic internal and indispensable ambivalence within the concept of Polish identity regarding specific interpretation of liberty, political equality and common good.