Impetratory prayer is necessary for an individual who is aware of his limitations. Jesus taught it while in Galilee (Mt 6, 9-13) and encouraged his disciples to pray in this way (Mt, 7-11). He Himself, in public, begged God His Father (Mt 26, 39; Łk 23, 34). Bishops and clergy of His Church also pray and teach how to pray. One of the proponents of impetratory prayer was Józef Teofil Teodorowicz, archbishop of Armenian Catholic Church in Poland. He included impetratory prayer in the nine of his sermons, in the three of his funeral and ten of his occasional religious speeches. He directed his prayers to God, especially to the person of Jesus Christ. He begged for His permanent presence in the Polish nation, for the revival of faith by the Holy Spirit, freedom and prosperity of Poland. His prayers were also addressed to Our Lady. He asked Her for transformation of people's hearts, assistance in spiritual struggle, faithfulness to Her royal rule, Her motherly care, spiritual leadership and intercession before God. He also addressed St. Stanislaus, bishop and martyr for his intercession and prayer for constancy and purity of Christian faith in Polish society. The forms of Archbishop's impetratory prayers ranged from humble requests through appeals and complaints to ostensible reproach. The subject of these prayers was the Archbishop himself, his listeners and the faithful in whose name he was praying.