(Title in Polish - 'Koronni senatorowie duchowni wobec kwestii pokoju religijnego w artykulach konfederacji generalnej warszawskiej w pierwszym bezkrólewiiu po smierci Zygmunta Augusta'). From the very beginning of the interregnum representatives of the Episcopate actively contributed to political discussions and work on the content of the articles of the Confederation of Warsaw. The articles regulated mutual relationship between Catholicism and various fractions of Protestantism in the Commonwealth. Being so involved, representatives of the Episcopate must have seen and estimated the problem properly, which led to making the best, for the state, decisions. Yet, due to various factors, this responsible civic attitude turned out to be extremely short-lasting. Archbishop Uchanski was influenced by the Nuncio Commendoni's blackmail. The bishops, in author's opinion, refused to validate the confederation, because they feared the political, economic and, as a result, material consequences the act might bring for them. Mainly because of these reasons, even before the end of the convocational proceedings, the bishops started a stout campaign in favour of the abolition of the confederation and they continued it till the end of the interregnum. In consequence of these activities, Henry of Valois confirmed neither the confederation nor any of the presented to him conditions of the election. Among the members of the Episcopate, the only bishops to thoroughly support the confederation throughout their lives were bishop Krasinski and bishop Secygniowski.