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2021 | 29 | 1 | 123-160

Article title

Analýza slovenského politického režimu v rokoch 1994 až 1998 počas tretej vlády Vladimíra Mečiara



Title variants

The analysis of Vladimír Mečiar´s political regime in Slovakia from 1994 to 1998

Languages of publication



This paper attempts to characterize the political regime in Slovakia in the election period from 1994 to 1998 with Vladimír Mečiar as the Prime Minister. This period could be characterized as a time of struggle between the democratic and authoritarian forces. All Visegrad countries, except for Slovakia, were successful in negotiations of EU and NATO accession. There was actually a realistic threat, that Slovakia would not join the European Union in its first wave of enlargement, together with the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The reason for that was the deficit of democracy in Slovakia. The author of the article tries to classify and define the above mentioned political regime in Slovakia at that time. The main goal of this study is the analysis of the authoritarian features of Mečiar´s rule and their negative impact on domestic and foreign policies of Slovakia until 1998. The article is based on the content analysis from relevant sources of defined research areas.


  • Moderní dějiny, redakce, Historický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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