The transtheoretical model describes how people change their behaviour. In their study, the authors followed this in smoking habit. The model relates the factors that take a significant share in the process of the change. The intervention flowing from the theoretical assumptions of the transtheoretical model requests measuring instruments which help to follow up and evaluate these factors and processes during the therapy oriented to the change of patterns of risk behaviour, in this case of smoking. The goal of the work was to verify the translation of the original method for smokers on selected sample of adolescents. The contemporary translation of the method consists from three parts: stages of change scale, the temptation scale, the decisional balance scale. The total number of persons in the sample was 646 secondary school students, among them 364 non-smokers and 282 current and former smokers. The authors succeeded to check out and verify the basic instrument, which is necessary for the preparation of future interventions, constructed on bases of the transtheoretical approach and to report on basic psychometric features of the current version of the questionnaire. The authors further succeeded to outline some specifics of smoking behaviour in Czech adolescents and to inform about methodological difficulties of the transtheoretical model.