The same physical distance between two objects might be estimated differently, which depends on the direction of comparison and the properties of the compared objects.The study aimed at exploring the relation between various indices of asymmetry SELF-JEW, JEW-SELF and the level of ethnic stereotype of a typical Jew (measured explicitly). The study was conducted during university lectures. The participants were asked to complete a set of questionaires. The obtained results suggest that the higher judocentric asymmetry (when the distance between SELF and JEW is estimated as smaller then the distance between JEW and SELF) the lower level of explicitly measured stereotype. The strongest judocentric asymmetry effects were observed among subjects with categorical form of WE schemata, which refers to wider social categories (eg. nation). The weakest judocentric asymmetry effects were observed among subjects with attributional form of WE schemata, which refers to abstract categories, which do not have any reflection in the real social categories or classes (eg. dog lovers). As the SELF-OTHERS distance rating asymmetry bias is often considered as an expression of stereotype salience this pattern of results is discussed in reference to the literature describing a dissociation between implicit and explicit measured, which reflect stereotype activation and application.