The basic goal of this article is to present the basis and origin of the dispute between psychologism and anti-psychologism, as well as examine the symptom of the psychologism ideas renaissance of the 20th century. The article is composed of five parts. The first and second parts introduce the most important foundations of psychologism, as well as its origins, the views of its most important figures and stages in the shaping of the analysed school. Part three analyses the relationship between psychologism and anti-psychologism, constituting in this way a prelude to part four which presents the main foundations and views of anti-psychologism's figures. The article finishes with an analysis of the contemporary reception and revival of psychologism ideas in the 20th century. As a supplement to the problem presented in the article, provided are a separate bibliographic list concerning the literary sources and a list of the most important positions (studies) presenting various points of views and perspectives on the topics of psychologism, anti-psychologism and antagonisms existing between both schools.