The goal of this paper is an attempt to describe phenomenon of 'citizenshipness' according to research about way of understanding an adults education teachers and their own role as confounded socially and politically. 'Citizenshipness' is treated here as a competence of constant aiming at keeping balance between what is individual and what is social in one's life. In this sense, quality of teachers' work is described from the perspective of relations between man and social life and tensions accompanied 'being a teacher'. Basing on analysis of claims of adult education teachers about: public dimension of education, tasks for schools for adults, their meaning in local environment and school-state relations, the authoress identifies three ways, in which respondents understand their role. These are: teachers focused on being 'apart from social reality', 'in social reality', 'despite social reality'. Each of distinguished types has been described and marked with quotations of respondents' claims.