In 1940, a nineteen-year-old Baczynski experienced a disappointment in love with a year younger Anna Zelazny. At that time he composed a series of poems, which have been scattered on the pages of his 'Collected works', and which nevertheless constitute a discrete cycle. In order to express his emotions and for his self-therapy, Baczynski produced lyrics abound in macabre pictures, figures, and props close to those found in some fairy-tales. Furthermore, the poems in question are built of schizophrenic deformations of the world, lunatic visions and the unreal. Through the figure of the hero whose love was rejected and who in his despair ponders on death, as well as due to other references and parallels, some Baczynski's poems of that time can be linked to romantic texts such as Mickiewicz's 'Forefathers' Eve' and Norwid's 'Epos-nasza'