The paper deals with characteristics of Slovak anoikonyms and Hungarian anoikonyms that were adapted into the Slovak language from the Hungarian village Vanyarc. The village was founded by Slovak colonists after the Turkish occupation. The list of studied anoikonyms includes all recorded variants of the name, the interpretation of its origin, the meaning of a common noun or a proper name the name in question originated from, word-forming suffix that created a name, folk etymology (if revealed by research) and onymic motivation. The author analyzes how the Slovak anoikonyms function in communication, mainly in Hungarian language environment, how they have been maintained or adapted from the phonetic, morphological or word-formation points of view. The anoikonyms are also categorized according to the scheme of basic structures of Slovak anoikonyms. The material obtained and processed can be further used in areal and digital processing of Stovák anoikonyms.