This paper suggests a symbolic and contextual symbol of grain, present in the works of Viacheslav Ivanov. The subject of the authoress analysis and its starting point is constituted by his three poems:- the first one stating with the words 'Yazykov pravdu, khristtiane, / My chtim (...)', from the poetic cycle entitled 'Rimskii dnevnik 1944 goda', the two remaining ones are: 'Sozrel na nive kolos (...)' and 'Tikhaya zhatva' (4th volume of 'Sobranie sochinenii'). On the basis of these works she traced the functioning of this symbol in Ivanov's poetic output, as well as in his theoretical and philosophical reflections. She also revealed the most important aspects of the motif of grain, namely: grain as a symbol of resurrection and life after death (connection with the ancient mystery cults) and grain in the eschatological meaning, understood as toll - the fruit of sowing.