Teoretický príspevok sa zaoberá kvalitou života rodičov detí s autizmom. Príspevok v úvode opisuje prejavy spojené s diagnózou autizmu a jej vplyv na kvalitu každodenného života rodiny. Následne sú opísané premenné, ktoré prispievajú k vyššej a k nižšej kvalite života týchto rodičov. Príspevok sa zameriava na porovnanie kvality života rodičov detí s autizmom s kvalitou života rodičov detí s typickým vývinom a rodičov detí s inými diagnózami. Príspevok zachytáva aj rodové rozdiely v kvalite života matiek a otcov detí s autizmom.
The theoretical paper deals with the quality of life of parents of autistic children. In its introduction, the paper describes the symptoms connected with the autism diagnosis and the influence of the diagnosis on the quality of a family everyday life. Later, the variables which contribute to higher or lower quality of life of those parents are described. The paper focuses on the comparison of the quality of life of parents of autistic children and parents of children with a typical development as well as parents of children with different diagnoses. The paper also describes the gender differences in the quality of life of mothers and fathers of autistic children.