The subject matter of the linguistic analysis is 'Pamietnik' (Diary) written by Julian Borzym, a nobleman born in 1840 in one of the villages in north-east Poland. The exact date of the creation of the piece is not known. The diary is an interesting source of not only ancient lexis but also a description of mainly mentality and past morals of the inhabitants of Podlasie region in the XIX century. The article includes the elaboration of archaisms: orthographic (phonetic) and lexical, and in these we distinguish: appropriate, so those names which became out of use and those which were deleted from the vocabulary with the disappearance of designatum, namely index archaisms as well as semantic archaisms. Relative archaisms, being used by the dialect users were also taken into account. The archaisms apparent in the 'Pamietniki' by Borzym mosty consist of names referring to the gentry, past professions and functions, which supported better management of farm works. The other group of names allows to recall fragments of past reality concerning central government administration, military and education system. Most of these words are present in the 'Slownik jezyka polskiego' (The Dictionary of Polish Language) edited by W. Doroszewski, others appear in the latest dictionaries of Polish language, obviously as words not present in the contemporary Polish language. The choice of the analyzed archaisms implies that there is a general tendency in this type of words, with nouns most often falling into disuse.