The article aims to point the interest of the multidimensional economic processes' researchers to the unique approach emerging from relatively new publications making up so called statistical theory of shape (STS). That approach adds some new light on the classic methods of multidimensional statistics e.g.: equality of the expected values T2 Hotelling test, multi-variable analysis of the variance, and provides elegant tools for modeling populations of individuals examined with regard to several characteristics. Within the theory, the shape of an object belonging to a certain class of objects is defined as the whole information remaining when the location of the object, its scale and rotational effects are removed. In this work the selected analytic STS tools are presented and their usefulness is demonstrated by three empirical examples referring to the relation between the rate of unemployment and the relative wages in districts of Poland and the situation on the stock market. Among other the author presents an interesting method introduced by Bookstein for presenting differences between two configurations of economic objects i.e. the calculation of the transformation of the space in which the first object is located into the space of the second object. Such transformation provides to us information about local and global differences in shape.