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2008 | 1 | 1(4) | 245-261

Article title

THE PHOTOGRAPHY. THE STEREOTYPE OF SMALL HOMELAND AND THE PRIVATE PROSPECT (Fotografia, stereotyp malej ojczyzny i perspektywa prywatna)

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Looking at pictures is one of the most popular activities of a modern man. Cuurrently come into being a huge mount of the photographs presented particular regions of Poland. There are both attractive and popular and these which remains in oblivion. The intention of executing these photographs on one hand is presentation the specific region, its picture: inhabitants, events, places. On the other hand those photos became the portraits of 'small worlds', personal homeland, documents of personal experiences, the stories about friends, interesting people, families, events and other which came from everyday life. In the contemporary culture we can see a rising popularity of photography and the situation of this medium is more and more complicated. It seems to be complicated to talk about differences between the amateur photographers and professionals. The photo essays do not exist only in the press. The photographer and his camera are hired to implement various documentation art and activities. It is worth to describe two photographic projects. They could function as pictorial diary about cultural and geographic areas: the Malopolska province with its capital Kraków and small villages on the area of Lemkowszczyzna. The first project was implemented by professional photographers who have come from Kraków and others cities. The implementers of the second one were children from those small villages. At last we could see two records of contemporary reality, two pictures of small homeland, and the stories about people and their daily life which are different from stereotypes which exist in colloquial imagination. The pictures like these have stopped to be the evidence of the true reality. They start to be photo essays which show the public events in a private ways.








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  • Magdalena Sztandara, Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, pl.M.Kopernika 11, 45-040 Opole, Poland


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