The article outlines three models of the development of Romantic Slavophile ideas. The first focuses on the beginnings of this intellectual trend and the pioneering contribution of Herder and Chodakowski. The initial impulse was then carried on by the literary group 'Ziewonia', which flourished in Galicia after 1830. In an attempt to revive links with representatives of neighbouring Slavic nations, the Ziewonians worked out their own Central European version of the Slavic idea. The second model is built round Adam Mickiewicz's College de France lectures with his polonocentric idea of the Slav messianic destiny. The third model draws on the politico-religious writings of Andrzej Towianski and his controversial project of a union of Poland and Russia. Even though the latter may look like a fatuous pipe-dream, it was an ambitious attempt to open up new perspectives for the contemporary Slavic world.