The worlds which emerge from the novel 'Pedro Páramo' by Juan Rulfo (1917-1986) and a selection of short stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991), 'Yashid and Yeshida', 'Esther Kreindl the Second', 'Short Friday', 'A Wedding in Brownsville', combine an astonishing variety of traditions with the original style of their authors. A comparison of their vision of the beyond reveals a number of remarkable similarities in the way they perceive and describe the other world. It seems that in each case the imaginative projection of the beyond is deeply indebted to the writers' native culture and traditions. In reconstructing the mindset of the residents of small provincial towns, Rulfo and Singer cannot but depict their belief systems and the religious practices they cling to. At the same time the article points out some parallels of the fiction discussed here with the poetics of the so-called magic realism