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2004 | 51 | 2 | 72-77

Article title

Nugget or sparkling junk? Critical evaluation of Internet sources


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Internet is a great place for acquiring information. There are two essential points of effectively using the Internet. The first is to master the basic navigating tools. The second is to be able to evaluate the results of the search, to separate nuggets from sparkling junks. There are several reasons why incredible amount of junk can be found on the Internet. Comparison of printed information with information on the net explains the necessity of fitting existing criteria to the new format. Scope, content, graphic and multimedia design, workability are the main headings including several subheadings (e.g. accuracy, authority, currency, connectivity). The Kempelen Farkas Student Information and Resource Centre is a special institute of the Ministry of Education. The declared main profile of the Centre is providing information and electronic services. Its web site is called Hungarian higher education portal. Therefore, the critical evaluation of this web site as an example is an obvious choice. The result is at best controversial, listing several critical remarks.


  • E. Mesko, address not given, contact the journal editor


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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