The article comes from the need of revealing the personality of juvenile delinquents who have infringed the law in prospect of a purposeful activity. In the first part, the author accepts the opinion that a human in every life situation acts as an active subject in opposition to automatic visions. Life aims and plans compose the immanent human personality function introduced into one's life strategy. The life sequence of events modifies realization plans, giving them rational justifications. Socially unadjusted people - criminals/the world of crime - often negate the rationalization of life, acting against their own matter; nevertheless, they suffer. Arranging mutual relations of 'aims-life plans', the author defined a life aim as an existential, placed in human awareness, potential, a desired future state created by a general life outline whose accomplishing guarantees the feeling of a life sense. In the second part of the article, the importance of social environments supporting the realization of life plans and purposes of juvenile delinquents is indicated, emphasizing the quality of these relations. To solve the problem of fixing the effect of socialization surroundings on juvenile delinquents' purposes and life plans transformations, 300 crime perpetrators/criminals were surveyed in Lower Silesia, aged 17-21. The author proved that the realization of life purposes or their change depends first of all on the quality of support from socialization surroundings, but not support in general. Real and formal support is differentiated between. It is important to stimulate and support the achievement of the aims set forth by juvenile delinquents, otherwise personal motivations of the subject of influence will not match, at the realization stage, the assumed effect of rehabilitation activities.