The article deals with the development of Czech ethnographic museology in 1948-1989. It describes the factors which significantly determined the then form of it (especially the relation to mother disciplines - museology and ethnography, former traditions of ethnographic museology and period political situation), whereby it tries to grasp the researched themes through four basic thematic circles 1) analysis of period conceptions and interpretation of this phenomena (e.g. Beneš, Kunz, Suk), 2) introduction of themes that resonated strongly within it (e.g. educational and exhibition activities, open-air museums, documentation of the present), 3) description of the activities of organisationsand institutions, which significantly influenced the final form of ethnographic museology (e.g. Ústřední muzejní rada [Central Museum Council, Ústřední muzeologický kabinet [Central Cabinet of Museology], and 4) participation of its representatives in university teaching (Prague, Brno).