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2009 | 10 | 129-138

Article title

AS THE TWIG IS BENT, THE TREE IS INCLINED. ABOUT ADULT STUDENTS' SURVIVAL STRATEGIES (Czym skorupka za mlodu nasiaknie, tym na starosc traci. O strategiach przetrwania uczniów doroslych)

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The paper is a collection of reflections and observations concerning adult students' behavior during classes. It consists of five parts. The first one lists the characteristics of adult students. Part two presents features of educational situation of the students. The third segment signals survival strategies characteristic of young learners, whereas part four discusses kinds of behaviors observed in adult students. The last part contains the conclusion. The author brings forward two theses that require further research. The first one says that students' participation in formalized education triggers behaviors acquired during earlier stages of education, while the other refers to the claim that adult students' behavior does not differ much from the strategies applied by young learners.







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  • Marcin Szumigraj, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydzial Pedagogiki, Socjologii i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Zaklad Pedagogiki Spolecznej, ul. Energetykow 2, 65-001 Zielona Góra, Poland


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