Following the restoration of independence in November 1918, efforts have been initiated to set up a Legislative Sejm, as a symbol of the regained independence. The Legislative Sejm, which has the nature of a constituent assembly, played an important role for the creation of the system of government of the Second Republic of Poland during the first years of its existence. After the election of January 1919, the inaugural sitting of the Legislative Sejm was held on 9 February 1919 and, on 20 February 1919, it adopted the so-called Small Constitution by which it entrusted Józef Pilsudski with the exercise of the office of the Head of State (Polish: Naczelnik Panstwa). The Sejm was given the status of a sovereign and legislative authority, exerting great influence on the exercise of their functions by the Head of State and the Government. The relations between the Legislative Sejm and the Head of State were hindered by political divisions and permanent lack of parliamentary majority. Despite the difficult international situation and many internal problems of the country, the Legislative Sejm has had considerable achievements. In the March Constitution (1921) it specified the system of government, determined the organization of state administration, set up the Supreme Chamber of Control and State Treasury Solicitors Office. Laws adopted by it implemented an agricultural reform and regulated social affairs, and were aimed at Poland's restoration in the economic, social and legal areas.