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2009 | 10 | 69-80

Article title

BIOGRAPHICAL LEARNING IN ADULTS EXPERIENCING DISABILITY (Biograficzne uczenie sie osób doroslych doswiadczajacych niepelnosprawnosci )

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People with disabilities represent one of the excluded groups whose narratives are not listened to, noticed or treated on equal terms with the narratives of others. Thus, the aim of the authoress' research project was to listen to stories told by those who became disabled in adulthood. Using the narrative interview method she invited and encouraged the disabled to tell stories about their lives, about some significant life episodes, and about how they experience disability in general. Disability triggers great many changes and makes it necessary to redefine one's life and identity all over again. The analysis of life stories obtained from those experiencing disability in adulthood has provided some concepts of biographical learning e.g. 'breaking' of biography, turning point in biography, floating in adulthood. Experiencing disability is one of the situations where emotions show. Therefore, some of the narratives are filled with emotions, which she, as a researcher, also absorbed.






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