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2010 | 3-4(74-75) | 39-56

Article title

MODERN CAREER MODELS: FROM BUREAUCRACY TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Wspólczesne kariery zawodowe od modelu biurokratycznego do przedsiebiorczego)


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The traditional career develops within one or several organizations. On the other hand, trajectories of a new type of career involve many transitions between organizations, as well as transitions to new specializations and forms of employment (i.e. boundaryless careers). As demonstrated by surveys conducted among Polish IT specialists, in the case of this group of professionals, the new-type careers are primarily pursued by the younger generations of specialists. Nevertheless, this new approach can be expected to spread and consolidate over upcoming years not only among Polish IT specialists, but also in other job markets. This phenomenon will undoubtedly pose a difficult challenge for organizations in the twenty–first century.





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  • Piotr Bohdziewicz, Uniwersytet Lódzki, Katedra Pracy i Polityki Spolecznej, ul. Polskiej Organizacji Wojskowej 3/5, 90-255 Lódz, Poland


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