The sources of renewable energy have been attracting much attention in the recent years, which can be attributed to the continually intensifying exploitation of mineral fuels and the steadily diminishing of their deposits. In addition, according to some forecasts, the demand for energy is likely to double by 2035. In the light of these forecasts Poland, as a country possessing large areas that can be used for the cultivation of energy-yielding plants, is in a fairly good situation. However, as an EU member state Poland is obligated (in accordance with the Directive 2001/77EC) to obtain 7.5% of the utilised energy from renewable sources by 2010 and twice as much by 2020. Therefore, the time has come to seriously deal with the problem of production of bio-mass as one of the most profitable sources of renewable energy. It should be noted that the use of renewable energy sources produces many positive effects both on regional and local scale. These positive effects include an improvement in the condition of the natural environment and greater safety as far as the supply of energy is concerned, but the most important thing is the opportunity for farms to obtain additional means which can help improve their financial situation. The article describes some sources of renewable energy and presents possibilities of financially assisting farms that generate such energy.