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2011 | 30 (Zastosowania metod ilościowych) | 121-129

Article title

CONSENSUS METHODS FOR INCOMPLETE ORDERED COVERINGS (Metody consensusu w odniesieniu do niepelnych pokryc uporzadkowanych)

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Consensus methods for solving conflicts in incomplete ordered coverings are presented in this paper. The incomplete ordered coverings are expert information structures in many cases. This structure should be useful when an expert classifies all elements of a set in such a way that every element belongs to one class or to many classes. The consensus methods are one of the methods for solving knowledge conflicts in distributed systems. A definition of the incomplete ordered covering, transformation of the incomplete ordered covering in the other incomplete ordered covering, the definition of distance among incomplete ordered covering and the algorithms of consensus methods for criterion C1 and C2 are depicted in this work. Because the consensus algorithm according to the criterion C2 is a heuristic algorithm, the results of algorithm verification are presented.


  • Jadwiga Sobieska-Karpinska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu, Katedra Komunikacji Gospodarczej, ul. Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wroclaw, Poland


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Publication order reference


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