The story about the magi and their journey to find and worship the newborn King (Mt 2:1-12) is one of the best known and most impressive narratives of the New Testament. It is a part of the so called Infancy Narratives of Matthew's Gospel (Mt 1:1-2:23) presenting the identity of Jesus (Mt 1:1-25) and showing the various reactions of people towards Him. The legendary characters in the story enable to present the historical particulars. In Mt.2:1-12 the sovereignty of God and His providence clearly stand out. This story also depicts three different types of human behavior in relation to the new born King. The first group is represented by the magi who travel tirelessly to find and worship Him. The second group is represented by the chief priests and scribes who through the correct interpretation of the Scriptures know the birthplace of the Messiah, but their attitude is one of apathy and indifference towards Him. Finally, the third group is represented by king Herod who shows an outright negative attitude towards the new born King as he sees in Him an adversary who must be destroyed.