The authoress states that it is worthwhile to treat Szymanowski's creative development as a search for answers to vital questions relating to his personal, artistic and religious identity. The article is to trace different currents, particularly during the last creative period of the composer, and to define the sources of his music. As the nativeness in music is a multidimensional category: it may relate to a locality, region or nationality; it may also refer more broadly to the European culture, it a useful tool in considering Szymanowski's artistic identity. Prior to 1920, the influence of symbolism, expressionism and surrealism is of significance; especially the second stage of his creative development was a time of discovering Mediterranean world and the roots of European culture in general, which corresponded to the forging a new musical language - an idiosyncratic synthesis of the antique, the Orient and contemporary Europe. After 1920, in his last creative period, it is the native Polish tradition, the ancient folk music of Podhale and Kurpie, which is central to his style and his sense of identity.