As follows from the Ukrainian regulation, priority fields of science & technology are supposed to have a key role within the system of budgetary support to scientific research. A detailed account of priority setting and implementation in independent Ukraine is presented, based on a study of the efficiency of priority-specific policies in Ukraine, conducted by experts from G.M.Dobrov STEPS Center for several latest years. The study reveals a series of critical methodological and organizational mistakes in S&T priority setting in Ukraine, which proves failure of all Ukrainian governments existing since 1992 to pursue a meaningful S&T priority policy. Analysis of the draft of the new legal act on science & technology priorities in Ukraine, submitted to the Parliament in 2007, also shows failure to set priorities. Version of the above draft, elaborated by the STEPS Center, is discussed. It is emphasized that a significant part of the draft deficiencies can be eliminated through constructing a hierarchy of priorities (5 hierarchical levels), with implementation mechanisms that are specific for each level of the hierarchy; clear articulation of strategic priority S&T fields derived from several cycles of foresight studies conducted on line of the national foresight program, which means the elevated role of prognosticating and analytical studies in S&T and innovation priority setting; restructuring of priority fields. Also, measures are discussed to reanimate implementation of innovation priorities in Ukraine.