The study deals with three aspects of the Cheb meeting between the Hussites and the Council of Basel (May 1432), which the previous research has not dealt with in detail. In the case of the composition of the Bohemian delegation, the author draws the conclusion that the list of Hussite envoys listed in the text of the Cheb safe conduct refers to persons intended for the Basel disputation, which appropriately appreciates the earlier brief observations of František Michálek Bartoš and Bohdan Kaňák. The study also offers a new insight into the speech of the conciliar legate Henricus Toke. Based on an analysis of the passages glorifying the Council of Basel, it seems that the Catholic speech was not as accommodating to the Hussites as it was hitherto judged to be. The last observed aspect is the numerous memories of Martin Lupáč. Their analysis demonstrates that, despite all their brevity, these texts can tell us new or hitherto only suspected facts about May 1432.