An account about the notion of paradigm is given, with emphasis on contributions from T.Kuhn. The notion of paradigm and paradigmal approach have become widely used across scientific and non-scientific knowledge, being in a way abused, mistreated and devalued, and losing its meaning. Yet, its mass-scale uses and dissemination provide an indication of new tendencies in the development of scientific knowledge. The conception of categorical synthesis, developed by V.L.Khramova, allows for concretizing the meaning of paradigmal approach and method with respect to physics in late 19th - early 20th century. V.L.Khramova could find that the critical role in creating quantum and relativist paradigm resulted from rethinking its main categories on the basis of the adopted gnoseological principle rather than from empirical evidence accumulated by physics in that period. Categorical synthesis was a structuring and synthesizing factor in creating a scientific theory. Categorical structure and relations between elements of a paradigm make it self-identical, clear-cut and distinguished from other paradigms, fulfill explicative and determining functions in further development of scientific knowledge. Change of scientific paradigms is based on rethinking the nature of reality, which touches upon its logical and gnoseological grounds. In view of this, change of scientific paradigms in physics in late 19th - early 20th century is considered as a process of transformation of categorical structures and their synthesis on the way from classical physics to neoclassical one.