The topic of the study is a detailed description of the life and clerical journey of Jan Augusta (ca 1500–1572) from Utraquism to the Unity of the Brethren on the basis of recently found or newly interpreted sources. The future Brethren’s bishop Augusta was apparently born into a Prague Utraquist family of German origin and, like his father, was trained as a hatter. Dissatisfied with the internal situation of Bohemian Utraquism in the capital, he first combined his spiritual quest for a time with the Utraquist sect of the followers of Nicholas – weeping brothers (similar to the American Quakers), later reflecting on the life of a hermit or conversion to the Catholic Church. Supported by some Prague priests, he eventually decided to become a member of the Unity of Brethren in 1524, sold the Prague house and continued to join his stormy life with the Czech Brethren.