Historical account of dendrology development before and after reforms of K.Linnaeus is given, with emphasis on contributions of the Italian scientist A.Caesalpini (16th century), details concerning the periods of K.Linnaeus's establishing as a scientist, contributions of Ukrainian Mykhailo Grushevsky. While the role of dendrofloristics was prevailing in pre-evolutionary era, in the middle of 19th century dendrology became a complex discipline and required systemic approach and analysis. Systematization as a leading branch of botany acquired its contemporary scientific meaning during the evolutionary era of dendrology. In the subsequent period classification aspects predominated, subordinated to the principle of systematical and geographical paradigm of botanical science. Success of dendrology was more essential in applied and interdisciplinary aspects. Main components of the phenomenon of dendrology as botanical and forestry 'moulds' determined its optional character in 20th century, and a minor theoretical significance. Theory of systems in dendrology, systemic analysis of dendrology objects and use of systemic approach allows for integrating its leading fields on ethnobotanical and floristic basis.