The article describes the situation of disabled persons on the labour market, in particular on the market of Lower Silesia. Since a lot of years Poland has been regarded as a country with a high unemployment rate. Statistics and surveys on this topic demonstrate a difficult situation especially of the weaker social groups, among them of the disabled persons. But the occupation of these persons has been getting better in the last years, especially on the open market. To a great extent it is a result of the legislative policy encouraging the companies to employ disabled persons. Also the Polish constitution guarantees the same rights to the disabled as to other citizens, among others the right to work. These rights are codified in the charter for the Disabled Person introduced on August 1st, 1997. Nevertheless the level of activity of the disabled in Poland is still lower than in other countries of the European Union. The most important reasons for such a situation is still valid unfavourable stereotype of a disabled person, the inadequate interest of employers in this social group, the use of traditional forms of employment, insufficient qualification and passivity of disabled persons and the out-of-date educational offer for this group.